The Arms of Forsyth of that Ilk
a coat of amrs is the property of the chief and should not be used by others
Alistair C.W. Forsyth of that Ilk
Chief of Clan Forsyth
Alistair c.w. forsyth, baron of ethie, on his i naguariton as chief of clan fosyth
The Family Forsyth Association was established in 1913, their aim was to research and trace the closest living heir to the Clan Forsyth line, with the overall objective to petition the Lord Lyon and restore a Chief to the head of Clan Forsyth. Painstaking research was undertaken at a time when no digital online records were available, and when research meant visiting physical archives and writing inquiry letters for valuable information. Thankfully the The Family Forsyth Association managed to piece together the historical information and in 1972, at the Gathering of the Clans in Edinburgh, Alistair C. W Forsyth was extended an invitation to attend as the representative of the Clan Forsyth.
As with all Clan recognition submitted to the Lord Lyon, proven genealogical links are needed, together with the creation of a Derbhfine. A Derbhfine being a meeting to include nine Scottish armigers, or persons who have been granted a Coat of Arms in Scotland, together with the holding of significant Land ownership. Together the meeting council elects a “Commander of the Clan,” and after a set time, the Commander is considered the “Chief” of the Clan, accepted by the Lord Lyon. With all the requirements met to satisfaction, Alastair Forsyth was inaugurated to the Chief of Clan Forsyth, Chief Alastair Forsyth of the Ilk, at the Palace of Falkland Place, Fife on Saturday 17th March 1979.